Welcome to Shilton & Barnacle Parish Council
The parish council forms the first tier of local government within Warwickshire and is the body that is considered closest to the community that it serves. It comprises seven locally elected people, who have responsibility for delivering a number of public services to the villages of Shilton and Barnacle, as well as representing the views and concerns of local residents to other public bodies, including Rugby Borough Council, Warwickshire County Council and the Warwickshire Police & Crime Commissioner.
There are 670 electors currently living within the parish, which covers an area of 3.1 square miles. Each property within this area pays for the operating costs of the parish council through a precept that is included within the Council Tax.
This website provides information about the parish council, its councillors and clerk, and sets out details about the services it provides. If there is any information that you would like, but that is not provided on the website, please contact the parish council Clerk, using the link at the top of this page.
Next Meeting

A Notice to residents and the the agenda, will be published on notice boards and the website one week before the meeting.

The Council
Meet your Parish Councillors and find out how to contact them.

Services that the Parish Council manage for the village

Find and download council, finance and policy documents.